As a nursery we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). We prioritise the importance of the Characteristic of Effective Learning in all activities. We ensure that the prime areas of Communication and Language skills, Personal, Emotional and Social Development and Physical Development is secured within our children from their early ears. We also look at more specific areas, however, we believe in promoting more importance on the prime areas as a form of teaching norms and values to support our children’s upbringing. The specific areas that we bring into our learning are Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design.

In the after-school club we try to keep the children engaged in a lot of fun and energising activities. We have cooking activities, scientific experiments and arts and crafts experiments. During school holidays when it is time for the holiday club children to come in, we enjoy taking the children to trips such as, museums, trampoline parks, funfair, parks etc.